
(Welcome!  in Spanish)

Welcome to the Herrin High School page about Venezuela.

This year, our Technology Project for our Spanish 3 class, was to research the South American country of Venezuela.  All of us chose a different topic to learn about for this country.  Here, you will find many different aspects of and information on Venezuelan life that we have discovered.

Hungry???  We will even teach you in our own "Cooking show video" how to make empanadas, a special dish from Venezuela!

Side note:  Our pages begin with the text in the Spanish Language.  Can't read Spanish?  Don't be discouraged!  It's all spelled out for you in English on the same page at the bottom.  Maybe you'll even learn some new words!   :)

Contributors to this website:      

Jessica Baldi
Jedediah Conley
Maddy Kramer
Daniel Lopez
Erin Wilson
Rebecca Vaughn